Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Final Ad Pitch

(Mid shot) A short man is with his girlfriend at a party and a man walks up to them (he is big and built). The man’s girlfriend says” Richard you remember my brother Matt”.
(close up) Party goes silent and tells Richards thoughts “ah not this idiot”
Back to mid shot) Noise of the party starts again, and Richard says “yeah of course, how ya go..” (gets cuts off by Matt)
Matt says “Hey I thought of a new nickname for you Richard, Little Dick! (laughs) (Richard’s girlfriend laughs) (Richard sarcastically laughs).
Crosses to a computer google+ and Matt is dragged into the tools circle. Then shows the  stream and you see all these posts by Matt of really stupid things. The tools circle is clicked next to the stream and the stream level is adjusted to none. Then he clicks back on the stream and he is gone.
Crosses to a screen that says: There are some people that we have to be friends with… put them in their place with google+  

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